1998年、ASR(Automobile Shredder Residue)を機械的処理のみで完全に使用可能な材料にする処理方法のプロトタイプが、日本、欧州(EPC)、米国で出願され、それら3ヶ国で特許が成立しました。

2018年には、上記特許の主要な内容を継承し、新たな処理方法を考慮した上で、早期審査の結果、同年5月には国際特許、そして8月には、日本国内の特許が成立しました。2022年10月14日には米国特許、2023年2月15日には中国特許が査定されました。(成立しました。) 2024年1月8日には欧州特許庁(EPO)より、欧州特許条約(EPC)加盟39ヵ国の特許が査定されました。





尚、CO2発生をゼロにすることはできませんが、高カロリーのウレタンリッチの有機系残渣 (重量比55~60%)をサーマルリサイクルに利用しますと、石炭コークスを燃料や助燃材、そして還元剤として使用した場合に比較して、CO2の発生率を1/3(33%)下げることができると同時に、年間40~50トンの化石燃料を輸入しなくともよくなります。同時に、為替の変動による化石燃料の価格の上下動を心配しなくとも良くなるなどのメリットも生まれます。

その他の利用法としては、比重の重い無機系残渣(重量比25%)からPVC(塩化ビニールを)を抜いた混合残渣 (ガラス、小石、ゴム、プラスチック、タイヤ屑など)を、ウレタンリッチの軽量な有機系残渣(同上50~60%)と混ぜて固めると転炉の消泡材 (比重:1.5~1.8g/cm3)として使用することができます。


註:*寿命が来た防音壁は、スクラップ業者のヤードに搬入され、シュレッダーで破砕された後に、ASRではなく、SRの残渣として回収され、破砕と共に再度ウレタンリッチの有機系残渣として集塵機に分離回収された後に、吸音材や活性炭としてマテリアルリサイクル、プラスチック製造用オイルを製造するケミカルリサイクル、そして、石炭や助燃材やコークスの代替品又は、電炉でのコークスやフェロシリコンの代替品となる還元剤転炉の消泡材、そして自治体の焼却場の助燃材としても使用することができます(サーマルリサイクル)。 つまり、これら三種類の分野でのリサイクル法の完成は、SDGsの趣旨に沿ったサーキュラーエコノミーの完成でもあります。


In 1998, a prototype of a treatment method for turning ASR (Automobile Shredder Residue) into a fully usable material by mechanical treatment alone was filed in Japan, Europe (EPC), and the United States, and a patent was granted in those three countries.

In 2018, after inheriting the main contents of the above patent and considering a new processing method, an international patent was granted in May of the same year and a Japanese domestic patent was granted in August after an accelerated examination. In addition, US Patent was granted in Oct.,2022, China Patent in Feb.,2023 and Europe(EPC composed by 39 countries) Patent in Jan.,2024.

In Japan, since the enforcement of the Automobile Recycling Law in 2005, the amount of ASR (shredder dust: a mixture of various metals, organic materials, and inorganic materials generated when disposing of end-of-life vehicles) has decreased from 800,000 tons to 400,000 to 500,000 tons per year. Although the amount of ASR generated in Japan has decreased from 800,000 tons to 400,000-500,000 tons per year, most of the ASR generated in Japan has been incinerated (thermal recycle) for the past 16 years. At the time when the Automobile Recycling Law was enacted, the problem of dioxin generation was not seen as a problem at all, but now that global warming has become more pronounced, the amount of CO2 generated during incineration has become a bigger social problem than the problem of dioxin generation (which is also not completely under control).

If we incinerate 400,000-500,000 tons of ASR per year, the amount of CO2 generated by incineration will be 500,000-600,000 tons per year. This is very contrary to the SDGs.

Our patented mechanical processing method can sort out metals such as iron, aluminum, and even valuable copper without oxidizing them (25% of the input). In addition, by using three types of classifiers (separators) designed by our company, we are able to produce high quality urethane-rich organic residues with a chlorine content of (1) 0.3% or less, (2) 0.30-0.50%, and (3) 0.5-0.7%, and almost no copper, which is a catalyst for dioxin generation during incineration. The urethane-rich organic residue (50-60% of inputs) can be obtained. This urethane-rich, lightweight residue can be used as a raw material for chemical recycling, or as a material for material recycling, such as sound absorbing material for soundproof walls* (our specially designed ones with high sound insulation) in houses and highways, or as a raw material for making valuable materials such as activated carbon.

Therefore, if the organic and inorganic residues produced by the plant using this patent are used for chemical and material recycling, it will not only reduce dioxin emissions to zero, but also achieve zero CO2 emissions, which is the main goal of the SDGs.

Although it is not possible to reduce CO2 emissions to zero, the use of high-calorie urethane-rich organic residues (55-60% by weight) for thermal recycling can reduce the CO2 emission rate by 1/3 (33%) compared to the use of coal or coke as fuel, auxiliary fuel, or reductant. At the same time, it eliminates the need to import 40-50 tons of fossil fuels annually. At the same time, we will not have to worry about the ups and downs of fossil fuel prices due to exchange rate fluctuations.

As for other uses, mixed residues (glass, pebbles, rubber, plastic, tire scraps, etc.) made by removing PVC (polyvinyl chloride) from heavy inorganic residues (25% by weight) can be mixed with lighter urethane-rich organic residues (50-60% by weight) and solidified to be used as defoaming material for converters (density:1.5-1.8 g/cm3).

Although we have already found several ways to materially recycle urethane-rich organic residues (50-60% of input) and areas where they can be adapted, we are looking for manufacturers and partners who can produce new urethanes from urethane-rich lightweight residues. Cooperation from urethane manufacturers is also essential to form a consortium for a sustainable recycling system for ASR, which is currently on the minds of most developed countries in the world.

Note: * The soundproofing walls that have reached the end of their service life are delivered to a scrap yard, shredded, and collected as SR residue instead of ASR, and then separated and collected again in a dust collector as urethane-rich organic residue. It is then used as a raw material for sound absorbent and activated carbon as material recycling, and as a raw material for plastic oil as chemical recycling. And it can also be used as a substitute for coal, auxiliary fuel or coke, or as a reducing agent in electric furnaces, defoaming material in converter furnaces, and as auxiliary fuel in municipal incineration plants (thermal recycling). In other words, the completion of recycling methods in these three areas is the completion of the circular economy in line with the purpose of the SDGs.

新特許/New Patent
(H30.3月出願/Applied in March,2018)
新特許用プレゼンテーション資料/Presentation material for New Patent

ASR処理プラント構成機器/Composition of ASR processing plant
新プラント/New Plant
(Production Cappacity:2~6tons/hour)

旧特許/Old Patent

処理後のASRサンプルの写真/ Photos of processed ASR samples

ASR処理プラント構成機器/Composition of ASR processing plant
旧プラント/Old Plant
(Production Cappacity:1~3tons/hour)

Detailed information(Needed Password)
